This website will over time be the greatest marketing resource for Vertcoin ever! The brand new website will be the GREATEST marketing resource for Vertcoin ever, but it is not free to develope and maintain. The website is live and has been live for over 1 year so this is an ongoing project. I have expenses on the domain, server, licenses + time spent. The goal is to do regular maintenance and development on the website and add new content, features, functonality and do some heavy search engine optimization - AND SPREAD THE WORD!
What has been done so far
Created the whole website with coded design. The framework is Wordpress. Made it easy to use on mobilephones. made multilangual, 11 languages. The website adopts to the language in your browser. added mining statistics: added multiple wallets and a tiny review of them: started on the blog: updated history: and much more… take a look:
Google Analytics and Search Console has been installed + heavy SEO tools.
The COMMUNITY decides what new things to add to the website. I will regulary post on Discord and Reddit and ask if anyone have something to add. F.ex a review of a wallet etc. It is also easy to contact me. Vertion have all my info.
What will I do every month
Add new valuable content. Add new functionality such as Mining Statistics. improve the user experience of the website. Do heavy SEO work and focus on specific keywords. Such as: "Mine crypto with my computer". Post updates on Discord / Reddit on the performance of the website. Number of vistors etc. Take feedback from the community and do changes based on that. Talk with marketing team and dev team regarding important updates on the website.
Who am I
I am a web developer located in Norway. I have a team of 7 people so will never die or be stopped working on.
Why am I doing this
I started of mining VTC with the One Click Miner 2 years ago and something "clicked". I love that small green little bastards. … I also love web development, but I do not want to lose money on this project, especially when the project is value-creating and will lead to vertcoin becoming more valuable. shall not have any donation text etc.
How much am I looking for
I am looking for a total of 5000 VTC. 2500 will go towards cost of domain, server and licenses - and for work already done.
2500 will go towards future development and will be distributed to my team working on the website, that will make sure they take good care of the website.
As you already see we have done a lot of work already: - but this is just the start :)
Thank you for reading and sorry for any spellings. English is my 2nd language.
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